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Points West AV On Strengthened Partnership With Primacoustic

Primacoustic helps Points West AV deliver the ultimate client experience for audio installation projects.

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In the AV industry, one of the key partnerships is between integrators and their vendor partners/manufacturers. These partnerships are crucial in bringing together the team on lucrative installations and for providing exceptional customer care. For Points West Audio Visual and Acoustics, the British Columbia, Canadian-based integrator, its partnership with Primacoustic goes back almost a decade. According to Tracey Cochrane, owner and manager, Primacoustic helped establish the integrator as a provider of great acoustics in even the most challenging of spaces.

Forging the Partnership

“The first installation I did with Primacoustic did was for my own home nearly 11 years ago,” Cochrane begins. “James [Wright], our rep, helped us plan for the [acoustic] panels on the wall as well as the ceiling, and it made such a huge difference that we could start entertaining guests again.” After this, Cochrane paid more attention to the Canada-based company’s offerings, studying the website and reviewing case studies. At the same time, she evaluated her own business, realizing that clients were in dire need of an acoustic upgrade. According to Cochrane, Points West AV works primarily with schools, government facilities and healthcare clients, outfitting spaces with AV equipment as well as acoustics. Knowing that she could improve the customer’s experience, Cochrane reached out to Primacoustic. “It has taken off from there,” she enthuses.

For Cochrane, Primacoustic has become the go-to partner for acoustic products. She underscores the company’s geographic location as one of the many reasons for establishing a partnership. “As they’re also based in Canada, I can get their product easily and on time,” Cochrane states. In her opinion, Primacoustic has gone above and beyond as a partner. “I can put Primacoustic products into our projects and know they’re going to work and actually make a difference,” Cochrane emphasizes.

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A Versatile Manufacturer

One of Primacoustic’s main distinguishing characteristics is its range of offerings and its commitment to appealing aesthetics. As Cochrane explains, “They are not only making a difference in a space by observing sound; they also make them look good.” Diving into Primacoustic’s work ethic, Cochrane recalls, “We worked on an event space that was incredibly challenging due to its construction.” Here, the ceiling had big, beautiful beams with very intricate wood detailing. “However, the sound was very loud and reverberant,” she says. “I couldn’t even use my traditional calculators to determine the product I needed.” This is when the Primacoustic team came in. “They supported me immensely and helped me achieve the solution from an absorption perspective as well as matching the look with the architecture,” Cochrane adds.

According to Cochrane, the new product offerings from Primacoustic testify to its drive for innovation. She adds, “They launched a new product line, which I can now use for curved walls.” This is especially pertinent as Points West AV has curved walls in upcoming installations at the round gathering spaces of the First Nations and other Indigenous communities. “They’re constantly working on products that can be outfitted in all kinds of spaces — right from a simple square room to massive, interesting and intricate spaces,” Cochrane acknowledges.

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Enhancing the Integrator Experience

Another distinguishing factor for Primacoustic is its software program offering. According to Cochrane, Primacoustic designed a software program for integrators that allows for calibration of the acoustics. “I can [input] the dimensions of the room, along with the products, within this software to create a visual for my clients,” she explains. Thus, by using the software, Cochrane can help customers have a definitive visual of the room as well as experience the audio. “Instead of me simply saying ‘Here’s my proposed solution,’ I can actually give them a clear picture of the installation,” she states. This, Cochrane confirms, has made Points West AV look better to customers. “Primacoustic always strives to be innovative and support me as an integrator,” she praises.

For Cochrane, the tight-knit relationship is also what makes Primacoustic a great partner. She astutely observes, “When you have great people that you get to work with, that’s where you keep going back to.” Cochrane adds, “I want to applaud the whole team, but specifically James [Wright], who deserves a lot of recognition.” She recounts an incident when Wright made a four-hour drive from the Vancouver office to deliver a product when the courier couldn’t get it on time. Cochrane notes that this dedication makes it easier for integration firms like hers to provide meaningful services. Summing it up, she adds, “Primacoustic has helped elevate me as an integrator and what I can present to the customers. They’ve been excellent — right from the product to the service!”

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